Series exploring the place and nature of faith in today’s world.
The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu used biblical references in the early days of Israel’s armed response to the October 7th massacre, carried out by Hamas. The covenant of Hamas repeatedly uses Islamist rhetoric in its declaration of purpose and intent. But what does scripture and doctrine actually teach about resorting to armed conflict? When is the use of a religious justification legitimate?
Aleem Maqbool and guests explore the intersection of religion, politics and international law when it comes to justifying the use of violence or military action in conflict.
With Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer, a Jewish lawyer and educator who lives in Jerusalem, who is the head of the Haredi division of the Tikvah Fund, a charity dedicated to promoting Jewish thoughts and ideas; Sheikh Dr Usama Hasan, an Islamic scholar and Imam with a background in researching extremism; and Mary-Ellen O’Connell, Professor of Law and International Peace Studies at the Catholic Notre-Dame University in the US, and author of ‘Self-Defence Against Non-State Actors’.
With additional contributions from Rabbi Yakov Nagen, author and leader in interfaith dialogue between Judaism and Islam; and Rev Dr Muther Isaac, a Palestinian Lutheran pastor and Dean of Bethlehem Bible College.
Producer: Rebecca Maxted
Assistant Producer: Peter Everett, Ruth Purser
Editors: Tim Pemberton and Dan Tierney