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New York

Tanzania: Two Entities Avails Computers to Rural Schools


Arusha — Helios Tower Tanzania and Camara Education Tanzania have donated computers through their “Connect the Unconnected” community programme to facilitate modern teaching methods to students, especially in rural areas.

The donations were made at Endevesi Secondary School in Oljoro Ward, Arusha Rural District with the aim of promoting educational development through Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) in the country’s education sector.

Inaugurating the computer laboratory at the school, the Chairperson of Arusha Rural District Council, Mr Ojungu Salekwa said that the computer lab will help in facilitating teaching methods for students at school.

“The goal of this computer lab is to simplify learning methods and techniques, saving time for both students and teachers, it also brings them closer to the world of technology in the entire learning system,” said Mr Salekwa.

Helios Tower Tanzania Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gwakisa Stadi said that the aim of availing computer labs is to connect students from pastoralist communities.

“We connect these communities that mostly are in remote areas in Tanzania so that they can access various digital opportunities resulting from the advancements in global science and technology,” said Mr Stadi.

On his part, Director of Camara Education Tanzania, Dayani Mbowe asked other companies and institutions to continue investing in education, especially ICT to ensure the new generation is kept abreast with the scientific and technological changes that occur in the world.