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BBC Radio 4 – Beyond Belief, Confucianism


Ernie Rea and guests discuss the revival of Confucianism in China.

Ernie Rea and guests discuss the revival of Confucianism in China.

In 1966 the Red Guard in China sent a telegram to Mao tse Tung. “Dearest Chairman Mao,” it read. “We have rebelled. We have torn down the plaque extolling “The teacher of ten thousand generations;” we have levelled Confucius’ grave; and we have obliterated the statues in the Confucius Temple.” By the time the Cultural Revolution had done its work, Confucianism which had dominated the religious and cultural life of China for over a millennium, seemed almost obliterated. But today it is making a comeback. The Chinese government is encouraging its study. What is going on? How can it be that a philosophy which was thought to be the embodiment of reaction is being hailed as a force of progress,
Joining Ernie to discuss the New Confucianism are Dr Joachim Gentz, Chair of Chinese Philosophy and Religion at Edinburgh University: Thomas Chan, a member of ASHA, a group which focuses on inter faith dialogue: and Isobel Hilton, a journalist and editor of Chinadialogue.com

Producer: Rosie Dawson.

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