Ernie Rea and guests discuss the roots of modern English Catholicism and its distinctiveness, ahead of the state visit of Pope Benedict XVI.
In Beyond Belief, Ernie Rea and his guests explore the place of faith in our complex world.
Ernie is joined by three guests who discuss how their own religious tradition affects their values and outlook on the world, often revealing hidden and contradictory truths.
In this programme, ahead of Pope Benedict XVI’s state visit to England and Scotland, Ernie and his guests ask what is distinctive about English Catholicism. How did the ban on Catholics taking public office, only lifted in 1829 with the Catholic Relief Act, alter the treatment and perception of Catholics in England? What were the key moments and factors which restored Catholicism to a place in society and how have those created a distinctive form of Catholicism, unique to England and different to traditional Catholic countries. How does this play out today in public life, in relationship to the Pope and in acceptance of Vatican authority?
Producer: Karen Maurice.