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BBC Radio 4 – Start the Week, Dark Satanic Mills


Amol Rajan discusses mass production with economist Mariana Mazzucato, historian Joshua Freeman, architecture critic Rowan Moore and poet Jane Commane.

Giant factories are at the centre of Joshua Freeman’s history of mass production. From the textile mills in England that powered the Industrial Revolution to the car plants of 20th century America and today’s colossal sweat shops in Asia, Freeman tells Amol Rajan how factories have reflected both the hopes and fears of social change.

The poems in Jane Commane’s collection, Assembly Line, are set in a Midlands where ghosts haunt the deserted factory floor and the landscape is littered with ‘heartsick towns’.

The architecture critic Rowan Moore looks at the changing landscape of work in the 21st century, from huge impersonal distribution centres to the pleasure palaces of tech giants.

The economist Mariana Mazzucato is calling for a reform of capitalism, to replace taking with making. She argues that the global economy has become a parasitic system in which value-extraction is more highly rewarded than value-creation.

Producer: Katy Hickman.

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