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BBC Radio 4 – Start the Week, From Fringe to Frontline?


Tom Sutcliffe discusses the rise of smaller political parties with Robert Ford, Catherine de Vries, Srdja Popovic and John Fulljames.

On Start the Week Tom Sutcliffe explores the fracturing political landscape and the rise of anti-establishment parties. The politics lecturer Robert Ford explains the increasing support for the SNP, UKIP, and the Greens and what that means for the forthcoming General Election. Catherine De Vries is a Professor of European politics and compares what’s happening across the Channel. Srdja Popovic was one of the leaders of Otpor – the movement that played a pivotal role in bringing down Slobodan Milosevic – and he advises how using humour, rice pudding and lego men can change the world. The Royal Opera House is staging Brecht and Weill’s Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, a satire on money, morality and pleasure-seeking, and its director John Fulljames seeks out the contemporary resonances in this story of consumerism and loss of humanity.

Producer: Katy Hickman.

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