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Learners deserve rest | Nation


The school holidays officially begin tomorrow, with the young people and their teachers looking forward to a deserved rest. When the learners return next year, they will have moved up the ladder in their academic growth.

However, the 10-week break that will run until early January, presents a big challenge to the parents, who will have to spend more time with their children. The job is always much easier with the young ones away under the control of teachers for longer periods every day for the day scholars and the entire day for boarders.

Indeed, this school holiday is much longer than the nine-week third term, which is just ending for the rest of the learners, while for the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exam candidates and those sitting the Grade Six assessment tests, the hour of reckoning has come.

The KCSE exams have already begun and will end on November 22. The candidates must do their best to determine their future path.

Parents have been urged to spend quality time with their children as they bond during the long holiday. It, of course, will not be easy as idle children are subject to temptations from their peers and others, who may prey on their innocence to wreck their lives.

The Education ministry has banned remedial teaching so that the children can enjoy their deserved break. But while teachers should give them homework, this is certainly not the time to sneak back holiday tuition.

The challenge for parents is to look after their young ones so that they return to school in January, ready to continue with their learning. As some parents have rightly pointed out, having children at home for such a long period is quite challenging. They must, therefore, keenly monitor what the children will be doing to ensure that they do not get into bad company or engage in illicit activities.

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