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Liberia: Majority Bloc Reconstitutes Ways, Means & Finance Committee, Suspends Three Lawmakers


Capitol Hill, Monrovia — The Majority Bloc in the House of Representatives, during a session in the joint chambers, has restructured the Ways, Means, and Finance Committee under the leadership of Deputy Speaker Thomas Fallah.

In a motion, members voted to remove Rep. Dixon Wlawlee Seboe (District #16, Montserrado County) as Chairman and Rep. Ellen Attoh Wreh as Co-chairperson due to their frequent absences.

Deputy Speaker Fallah has begun appointing members to the new committee, naming Rep. P. Mike Jurry (District #1, Maryland County) as Chairman, Rep. Dorwohn T. Gleekia (District #6, Nimba County) as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Revenue, and Rep. Michael Thomas as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Expenditure. Fallah announced that additional appointments would follow in the coming days.

The Majority Bloc has also received the draft national budget. After reading the communication accompanying the draft, members voted to authorize the newly reconstituted Ways, Means, and Finance Committee, along with the existing Public Accounts Committee, to collaborate with their Senate counterparts to review the budget and make recommendations to the plenary.

In another move, the bloc voted to remove the signatures of Seboe and Wreh from all House accounts at various banks. Deputy Speaker Fallah directed the clerical staff to notify the Central Bank of Liberia and other commercial banks of this decision.

Additionally, Rep. James Kolleh (District #2, Bong County) was appointed Acting Chairman of the Committee on Rules, Order, and Administration.

Suspension of Three Lawmakers

The Majority Bloc has also suspended three lawmakers for 30 meeting days.

They include Rep. Marvin Cole (CDC, District #3, Bong County), Rep. Edward P. Flomo (CDC, District #13, Montserrado County), Rep. Abu Bana Kamara (CDC, District #15, Montserrado County).

The lawmakers were accused by members of the Majority Bloc of breaching House rules. They were alleged to have obstructed other lawmakers from attending sessions and physically attacked their colleagues.

Initially, six lawmakers were placed under investigation. However, the Majority Bloc voted to extend the investigation of three lawmakers–Rep. Saah Foko (CDC, District #9, Montserrado County), Rep. Alex Noah, and Rep. Zinnah Norman (Gbarpolu County)–until Thursday.

Some lawmakers criticized the process, describing it as selective justice. However, FrontPage Africa gathered that these lawmakers are seeking to align with the Majority Bloc and have requested pardon.