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Crunch time as Raila party goes to polls amid factional wrangles


ODM member, Raphael Odieny displays his party membership certificate in Mombasa. The group claims the Party officials in Mombasa have disowned them, ahead of grassrooots elections. [Omondi Onyango, Standard]

After several false starts, Raila Odinga’s ODM Party faces a litmus test today as it conducts its grassroots elections.

The polls come amid reports of factional wars in its strongholds of Coast, Western and Nyanza regions.

Election officials yesterday assured members that the exercise would be free from chaos, which forced the party to shelve past polls including the infamous 2014 exercise at the Kasarani Stadium.

“Party members are requested to be at polling centres where they registered as by 10am. They will be taken through the process of elections by the presiding officer,” said Director of Communications Philip Etale.

Positions to be contested include 10 members in the mainstream category, 10 in women category and another 10 in the youth category.

But the party has urged voters to also consider persons with disabilities and the marginalised.

Under the elections rules, leaders can be picked through consensus or by show of hands.

“This means that registered party members assembled at the polling centre, in the event the method of consensus fails, will be allowed to take a vote by show of hands and this will be counted and tabulated,” said Etale.

Only the party’s registered members will be allowed to participate.

Mombasa electoral officials, Brian Omondi and Charles Rambo, dismissed claims that the polls in the area had been predetermined.

“We are going to conduct free and fair elections and we are urging ODM members to turn up in their numbers,” they said at the Little Theatre Club.

Party members Odinga Randiki and Betty Sharon had warned that the polls were pre-rigged in favour of sitting officials. 

“We demand that the three election coordinators are removed even in the 11th hour to ensure fair and inclusive grassroots. They are proxies of elected politicians in this county,” Randiki said. 

ODM officials were addressing journalists in Homa Bay town on November 26, 2024. ODM officials in Homa Bay County have called for peace during the party grass root officials’ election which kicks off today. [James Omoro, Standard]

In Kisumu, acting Party Leader Anyang’ Nyong’o urged members to come out in large numbers.

“Let’s not forget about tomorrow as the members of the ODM party. Let’s come out in large numbers and participate in electing our grassroots officials.” said Prof Nyong’o in Kondele and Kisumu Bus Park when he accompanied President William Ruto.  Kisumu branch chairman, Paul Akeyo, said all preparations have been put in place. “We gave notices to the police to help with security at the schools where these elections are to be done.”  

Similarly, Nairobi party chairperson, George Aladwa, met delegates and called for a free and fair exercise, even as he warned individuals he termed as outsiders being used to tamper with the polls.

“We do not want people to come and interfere with our party elections. Those given the mandate to be in charge of the elections must ensure it is above board,” he said.

The exercise will be held in over 20,000 polling centres, and is planned to close by 2pm.

Elsewhere in Kilifi, the polls have split party members with some officials accused of trying to influence the outcome. In Rabai, some complained of a plot to impose leaders, and cautioned Governor Gideon Mung’aro not to interfere.

Yesterday, Deputy Party Leader Godfrey Osotsi met Bungoma and Vihiga coordinating committees and branch chairpersons. 

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