Have You Seen My Acorn?
by DK Ryland
illustrations by the author
Flamingo Books
an imprint of Penguin Random House, LLC
32 pages
A clueless squirrel is in a tizzy when he can’t find his acorn. He runs to each of his friends in the woodland: Skunk, Raccoon, Deer and Fox but none of them can find it. Squirrel is in such a huge hurry, he never stays long enough to hear what each friend is trying to tell him. He rushes off in search of his elusive acorn all the while right under his nose! Finally Owl drops an acorn from his tree, and Squirrel is so happy to see his missing acorn, so he decides to bury it! Young readers will solve the mystery of the missing acorn long before Squirrel “finds” his new acorn.
Clever banter between the animals uses new and fun words for readers: chitchat, skedaddled, scurried, literally and morals. The use of onomatapeoia allows the adult, or older reader, the chance to embellish the word sounds including sounds animals make like “rat-tat-tat” and “whoo! whoo!” Words in bold and all caps direct the reader to make sure and put emphasis on them.
This is such a fun book! Any reader will giggle as Squirrel scampers all over the forest when the entire time, his acorn has been visible…except it’s turning into a small plant that will grow to a giant oak.
Ages 3 and up. A must-have, must-read for every child and every library.