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New York

BBC Radio 4 – Start the Week, 10/01/2011


Andrew Marr asks what has gone wrong in the West, with economist Dambisa Moyo, former Chancellor Lord Lawson, journalist Stephen Kinzer and former Home Secretary Charles Clarke.

In the first Start the Week of the New Year Andrew Marr asks what has gone wrong in the West. The economist Dambisa Moyo charts 50 years of economic folly and argues that only radical changes in policy will stem permanent decline, while Lord Lawson, the former Chancellor, exposes the myths surrounding economic thinking. The journalist Stephen Kinzer calls on the US and UK to ditch its present allies in the Middle East – Saudi Arabia and Israel – and look to Iran and Turkey for support. And Labour’s former Home Secretary, Charles Clarke, explores those seemingly intractable problems, with a series of debates drawn from the “too difficult” box.

Producer: Katy Hickman.

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