NEW YORK – Rudick Law Group (RLG), a women-owned, cannabis-focused law firm based in New York City, added Victoria Cvitanovic as counsel. The new hire will expand RLG to New Orleans and Santa Fe, New Mexico, where Cvitanovic will maintain offices.
The firm exceeded average law firm growth rates in its second year after surpassing $1 million in revenue during its inaugural year, a feat achieved by less than two percent of women-led businesses.
Cvitanovic brings a wealth of legal expertise to RLG, including a strong background in litigation, cannabis and psychedelic medicine law, healthcare and medical malpractice law, and regulatory compliance. She is in the process of completing her CIPP certification, which will endow her with a deeper knowledge of U.S. privacy laws. Formerly at a large law firm where she managed healthcare, transportation, and supply-chain logistics matters, along with assisting large corporate clients with overall litigation portfolio management, Cvitanovic has a fast-growing niche practice representing producers, manufacturers, retailers, physicians, and hospital and healthcare networks within the cannabis and psychedelic medicine supply chains. Her work with ketamine-assisted-therapy providers serves to empower healthcare practitioners and practices to embrace psychedelic medicine, to structure appropriate patient and employee agreements, to ensure appropriate medical malpractice and other insurance coverages, and to keep abreast of the rapid changes to applicable law and standards of care.
As New Mexico and other states pursue legalization of psilocybin therapy, Cvitanovic assists clients with tracking legislative developments and implementing regulatory compliance mechanisms to ensure the highest standards of patient care. Her knowledge propels RLG to the forefront of psychedelic law and health care advancements in the burgeoning field.
A former prosecutor for the State of Louisiana, Cvitanovic worked to ensure the safety of the citizens of New Orleans. While handling a docket of felony narcotic, violent crime, and juvenile justice cases, she witnessed firsthand the growing need for patient access to psychedelic medicine and cannabis therapies and wrestled with the policy changes needed to best prevent conditions like PTSD and chronic pain from contributing to criminality. Cvitanovic’s diverse legal career spans roles in private practice and public service, making her suited to support the firm’s expanding client base.
Consistent with the other women at the firm, Cvitanovic is a celebrated public speaker and educator. After experiencing a life-altering injury that left her in chronic pain, Cvitanovic learned firsthand how psychedelic medicine and cannabis therapies can be used to address complex, ongoing medical issues and allow patients to reclaim their lives.
Cvitanovic’s legal expertise and lived experience adds to RLG thought leadership on the use of psychedelic medicine to treat and empower professionals and other workers seeking to resume productivity after suffering debilitating or life-threatening injuries.
“I am truly inspired by the team at Rudick Law Group and their ability to reinvent what cannabis and psychedelic medicine law looks like through innovative practices and devoted client support,” said Cvitanovic. “Speaking as someone who has witnessed the devastating consequences of patient reliance on the illicit market in my time as a prosecutor, who has helped healthcare providers and businesses to comply with an ever-changing regulatory climate as a lawyer, and who has personally benefited from advances in psychedelic medicine as a patient, joining a group that’s so deeply committed to shaping the future of this industry and patient rights is an honor. I look forward to applying my skills in this evolutionary space.”
“The cannabis and psychedelic industries are entering a critical phase of growth, particularly on patient rights, and having someone with Victoria’s depth of knowledge and passion for the field is invaluable,” said Lauren Rudick, managing principal and founder of Rudick Law Group. “Victoria is a powerhouse and brings a fierce, protective energy to every client with whom she works. Her expertise will not only empower and support our clients but also help shape the future of this dynamic industry.”
The firm’s prosperous first two years allowed it to invest in tools for sustained success,including new hires, branding, a new website, and a modified workplace infrastructure. This includes additional training and credentialing for the team, who will become certified ganjiers later this year. Since opening in 2023, Rudick Law Group has represented more than 50 clients, supported over 150 cannabis licensing applications in New York and New Jersey, and expanded into new areas such as medical formulation deals and early-stage market mergers and acquisitions.
Notably, Rudick Law Group has contributed to the cannabis industry on an international level, working with CReDo Science to bring cannabis medicine across Asia and Southeast Asia, and to develop and license formulations for the proper treatment of various medical ailments including menopause and ALS (for which preparations are in place for a pre-IND meeting with the FDA).
RLG has also been assisting with legalization advocacy efforts in Latin America. Attorney Jessica Gonzalez established new roots in Ecuador, where she spent significant time connecting with advocates, consulting on Ecuador’s legalization initiatives, and immersing herself in the country’s history with Andean ancestral medicine.
Gonzalez received a certificate from the international University Flacso Ecuador in Latin American Drug Policy, served as part of the international jury for the Ecuador Copa 2850, and was a featured speaker at the inaugural Drug Policies and Practices Conference at Flacso Ecuador University, where she joined experts from Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina to discuss the successes and failures of cannabis policy in the U.S. Jessica is currently pursuing her certificate in integrative psychedelic studies with a focus on Andean ancestral medicine. As an international speaker, she also served as a panelist at the Cannabis Regulators Association’s Annual Stakeholder Meeting, contributing to the Global Equity panel with insights on equity initiatives across various South American countries.
RLG is poised for further growth as the cannabis industry continues to expand, with federal reform on the rise. The firm remains dedicated to empowering clients through tailored legal solutions and thought leadership.
About Rudick Law Group
Rudick Law Group is a female-led, cannabis centric law firm with roots in New York and New Jersey serving clients on a national and international scale. The firm takes a holistic approach to cannabis law and other emerging industries, integrating legal guidance with strategic consulting, empowering clients to navigate emerging markets, ensuring compliance and sustainable growth.